Elliotjustshotjoseph17times,hisbonesareshowingfromhislegsandhisbrainisonthesofa,whatarewegoingtodowhenourparentscomehomeandfindoutthatelliotshotjosep H
the man formally known as elliotjustshotjoseph17times,hisbonesareshowingfromhislegsandhisbrainisonthesofa,whatarewegoingtodowhenourparentscomehomeandfindoutthatelliotshotjosep h is a man who used to have a pair of steel balls however has since lost them and been offered copper balls instead.
He has spent multiple thousands on dollars on fortnite bucks
Created both Half Life and Dark Souls (very epic)
he forgot the lyrics to the song we were singing together, fucking dick, I thought you were supposed to be my little boyfriend locked in my closet forever.